Cultural competition held in Sealdah Division to celebrate 163rd Rabindra Jayanti

Eastern Railway Eastern Railway Kolkata Railway West Bengal

Kolkata: Sealdah Division has celebrated 163rd birth anniversary of Nobel laureate Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore at B.C.Roy Auditorium in a befitting manner by organising first-of-its-kind Inter Departmental Cultural Competition. The event witnessed huge enthusiastic participation from 48 employees from various departments, showcasing their talent in singing, dancing and recitation.

The competition was divided into three categories: song, dance, and recitation. Each department formed a team and presented a performance based on Tagore’s works, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Bengal. The participants displayed their creativity and passion, captivating the audience with their melodious renditions, graceful dance moves and heartfelt recitations.

The event was graced by Deepak Nigam, DRM/Sealdah Division, as chief guest. In his address, Sri Nigam lauded the fervent participations and emphasized the importance of cultural events in fostering camaraderie and promoting the rich cultural legacy of Rabindranath Tagore.

The competition was concluded with a prize distribution ceremony, felicitating the winners in each category. The event was a resounding success, bringing together employees from different departments and celebrating the spirit of Rabindra Jayanti through cultural expression.

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