New Delhi: The SC on Friday quested to the Tamil Nadu Government and its minister Udhayanidhi Stalin on a plea by Madras High Court advocate against him for his remark “eradicate Sanatan Dharma”. The final Court of appeal issued notices to other ministers of Tamil Nadu Government as well for remark on the same.
A panel of Judiciary Anirudh Bose and Bela M Trivedi issued a notice on a plea filed by B Jagannath pursuing an FIR against the Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin for his pejorative term on ‘Sanatan Dharma’.
SC also issued notice to A Raja, Thirumavalavan, SU Venkatesan, Union Home ministry PK Sekar Babu, Chairman of Tamil Nadu State Minorities Commission Peter Alphonse and others.
Senior Advocate Dama Seshadri Naidu, appearing for the suer said “This court has taken note of similar matters where individuals make such a statement against another’s faith but in this case it is a minister making the statement. Here it is a state, which is telling the school students that so and so religion is wrong.”
Naidu alleged that the minister while delivering a speech in a school asked the students not to believe in ‘Sanatan Dharma’. Further Naidu revealed that he is trying to hold back order against Stalin for such remarks and so an FIR can be lodged against him. He also added that the SC panel in order to respond to the plea stated, “Although we are issuing notice, you are turning the Supreme Court into a police station by approaching it for registration of FIR. You should have gone to the high court.”
In the contest, the Senior Advocate responded to the panel that they were constraint to proceed towards the court as no FIR was being lodged against him since he is a minister of the state.