Kolkata: Shantanu Thakur, Union Minister of State and Ports, while briefing to the reporters in a program at Press Club, Kolkata claimed that the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) bill will be implemented in the shortest possible time. He also stated that the oppositions against the legislation are contradicting for the political reasons but the bill will be executed nationwide within a week.
Thakur also asserted that the nation demands for CAA and any opposition to this matter makes no difference as both the Houses of Parliament have already passes the bill and according to our commitment to the people of the nation, the bill will be implemented soon and those who are opposing the act for political reasons are unaware of the sympathetic view of the situation faced by immigrants oust from their homes.
This bill was enacted in 2019 which looks for to grant Indian Citizenship to oppress non-Muslim immigrants, including Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis and Christians from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan who entered India before 31 December, 2014