Eastern Railway Kolkata

Kolkata: World Hepatitis Day is observed globally to raise awareness about viral hepatitis, an inflammation of liver that causes severe liver disease and cancer. Approximately 304 million peoples are infected with Hepatitis B & C worldwide. Viral Hepatitis is the second leading infectious cause of death globally, with 1.3 million deaths per year. The theme for celebration of World Hepatitis Day 2024 is “It’s time for action”.

WORLD HEPATITIS DAY has observed World Hepatitis Day to raise public awareness for eliminating viral hepatitis and to encourage stronger commitment to combat the growing threat of the disease. The session was attended by Dr.Gautam Roy, renowned Gastroenterologist who elaborately discussed the different cause, treatment and prevention of Hepatitis. He mentioned that only 45% of babies received the Hepatitis B Vaccine across the globe within 24 hours of birth. The discussion session was also graced by Dr. Subhankar Home, Chief Medical Superintendant/BRSH, who gave his valuable speech on accelerating action for better prevention, diagnosis and treatment to save lives and improve health outcomes. He emphasized that, “We can make Hepatitis elimination a reality”.

The deliberation was followed by a thought-provoking interactive quiz contest session, conducted by Dr.Kalpana Mondal. At the end of the session, token of appreciation was distributed amongst audiences who took active participation in the quiz contest.

The enriching discussion session, followed by the quiz contest, was really a grand success with spontaneous participation of Doctors, Paramedical staff, Nurses and Railway Medical beneficiaries. It was indeed an enlightening session for all the participants.

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